Hi there everyone! I'm Appa, player of lil mister Kovex here. I'm a 22 year old (cis) women who primarily works in the movie industry and also has a dire love for Pokemon and animals alike. I do some graphics but I'm also terribly lazy. I'm an artist by profession but a writer by hobby, and boy do I love roleplaying. I've been playing tabletop rpgs with my parents since I was four, and roleplaying on forums since I was twelve.
I've changed a lot over the years as far as my style goes, but for the most part I'm pretty laid back and enjoy just having a good fun time. Feel free to throw plots my way and help me cause suffering for my poor doggies. I love suffering. I'm horrible, I know.
Hi! I'm Quirky Tea. I'm the admin here. I work as a dog trainer. I adopted the craziest dog at the shelter nearly 7 months ago or so. I love her to pieces. She's everything I love about a dog. She's high energy and super smart. I mostly laugh at her silly antics. I also train my guinea pig to do tricks. I like art and writing and pokemon too. I have Pokemon X right now. That's it. I can battle, but I'll probably lose. I only use the cute ones c:
I play: Finley, John, Lukas, and Aoife. All of them are in a pack of one kind or another.
I write stories, too! I probably should share those...